bulletproof excuses to get out of work

Effective Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work

We’ve all been there – that moment when the alarm goes off, and the thought of going to work feels like climbing a mountain. Sometimes, you need to skip work due to illness, a family emergency, or just needing a break1.

But with limited paid time off (PTO), finding believable excuses to skip work can be tough. Luckily, there are bulletproof excuses that can help you take the day off without risking your job or your boss’s trust1.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the 32 legitimate reasons to get out of work, including appointments, bad weather, car accidents, and more.
  • Learn how to personalize your excuse and help your supervisor empathize with your situation.
  • Discover the most effective excuses, such as a car accident, death in the family, or a medical emergency.
  • Avoid overusing excuses to maintain credibility with your employer.
  • Communicate directly with your boss through a phone call or text message when possible.

Quick Tips for Using Excuses

Using excuses to skip work can be tricky. It’s okay to take time off for real reasons, but overusing excuses can hurt your reputation and lower trust with your boss2. The trick is to use excuses only when really needed and make them sound believable3.

Don’t Overuse Them

Most people won’t question a one-time excuse, but a pattern of excuses can raise eyebrows2. Start with the given phrases, but change them to fit your own words so your boss doesn’t think you’re copying2.

Personalize the Excuse

Make your excuse fit your own situation and life. This makes it sound more real and increases the chance your boss will understand and feel for you2.

Help Your Supervisor Empathize

Try to give more details or context that helps your boss get what you’re going through. This can make them more sympathetic, making your excuse sound more believable2.

Call or Text Your Boss

Always try to call your boss if you can. If you’re sick or it’s an emergency and you can’t talk, then texting is the next best choice. This personal touch can really help make your excuse seem more genuine2.

Remember, the aim is to use excuses carefully and only when really needed. By following these tips, you can handle the tricky situation of skipping work while keeping a good relationship with your boss3.


Scheduling valid reasons to miss work, like doctor’s or dentist appointments, can be credible reasons for missing office4. These are often seen as necessary by employers since these places are open during work hours4. Yet, some bosses might ask for a note or proof to back up your work absence excuses4.

Doctor’s Appointment

A doctor’s appointment is a good excuse for missing work, especially if it’s urgent5. Make sure to tell your boss right away and give them the appointment details4.

Dentist Appointment

Like a doctor’s visit, a dentist appointment is also a solid valid reason to miss work5. Dental care often needs time off, and bosses usually get that4.

DMV Appointment

Booking a DMV appointment is another credible reason for missing office that bosses might okay4. DMV visits can take a long time, and bosses might understand the hassle4.

When you’re using these work absence excuses, talk to your boss quickly and give them all the details you can4.

Bad Weather Conditions

Bad weather can make it hard or unsafe to get to work. This includes a snowstorm that blocks the roads6 or a severe thunderstorm that causes power outages6. Often, employers get it when employees can’t come in because of the weather. In fact, up to 20% of employees may need to miss work due to bad weather like snow or storms6.

If the weather is really bad, like a white-out or roads blocked by snow6, it’s best to stay home. Tell your boss about it right away. They usually understand because they know safety comes first. By explaining the situation clearly and honestly, you can avoid any problems with your boss.

Not just snow and storms, but also extreme temperatures, heavy rain, or even natural disasters6 can be reasons to miss work. Just make sure to give a clear and honest reason to your employer6 and don’t use it too often. With a valid reason and good communication6, bad weather can be a credible reason for missing work6.

“The weather is not something we can control, and sometimes it can be the deciding factor in whether or not we can safely make it to the office. As an employer, I understand that and try to be as accommodating as possible when my team needs to work from home due to a storm or other extreme conditions.”

– Jane Doe, HR Manager at ABC Corporation

Car Accidents

Car accidents can be a valid reason to miss work, as they are often beyond your control. If you’re in a collision or witness an incident, it can disrupt your daily routine and keep you from going to work7.

Every year, over 100 million drivers from other states visit California. This can lead to complications if out-of-state drivers get into accidents here7. In California, car accident cases use comparative negligence laws. This means your compensation could be reduced if you’re partly to blame7. Having a good lawyer is key to getting the right compensation8.

If you’re in a car accident, tell your employer right away. Give them details like where it happened, when, and how bad it was. This helps your boss understand and give you the time you need9.

About 15% of people suddenly can’t go to work because of car issues like breakdowns9. Having uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage can help if you’re hit by someone with little insurance7. You can still sue the other driver even if they don’t have enough insurance7.

After a car accident, get medical help if you need it and collect important papers like police reports and insurance details. This can back up your case if you’re thinking about legal action or talking to your employer about time off8.

Car Trouble

Car troubles like a flat tire, a car that won’t start, or a cracked windshield can be valid reasons for missing work or arriving late10. But, don’t use these excuses too much, as they might make your boss doubt your transportation’s reliability10.

When you face car issues, tell your boss the exact problem and when you think it will be fixed. Being open helps your boss understand your situation and see your excuse as real10. Also, let your boss know right away by calling or texting them about the issue10.

Won’t Start

A car that won’t start is a good reason for being late or missing work11. Tell your boss what’s wrong and when you think it will be fixed, maybe through a repair or a ride from someone you know11.

Flat Tire

A flat tire can happen suddenly and stop you from getting to work on time11. Let your boss know what happened, how long it’ll take to fix or change the tire, and promise to come back to work soon11.

Cracked Windshield

A cracked windshield is a good reason for missing work, especially if driving with it is illegal or unsafe11. Tell your boss about the problem, give a timeline for when you’ll get it fixed, and say you’ll be back to work once it’s done11.

While car excuses can be okay, don’t overdo it, as it might make your boss question your reliability10. By being clear, giving specific details, and setting a timeline, you can show your boss that your excuse is valid and make it easier to get back to work10.

Covid or Flu Symptoms

As the colder months come, missing work due to respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, flu, and RSV is common12. If you’re waiting for test results, it’s a good reason to stay home. This helps prevent spreading viruses at work12.

Symptoms of COVID-19, flu, and RSV include fever, fatigue, sore throat, and coughing12. Getting vaccinated can lower the risk of serious illness. It’s wise to get the COVID-19 booster and flu shot every year12. If you’re feeling sick, staying home is a good idea. It keeps your coworkers safe and stops the virus from spreading12.

Washing your hands often and avoiding touching your face can also help prevent getting sick12. With more people getting sick, bosses usually understand when you need to take time off. This helps stop the spread of illness in the office12.

“Respiratory illnesses are surging, and employers should be sympathetic to valid work absence reasons like COVID-19 and flu symptoms. Staying home when sick is the best way to protect your colleagues and the broader community.”


Menstrual cramps can be a valid work absence excuse that most managers will understand. A study found it’s one of the top 13 best justifications for missing work13. Yet, many feel shy about talking about it at work, showing there’s still stigma around menstrual health13.

Valid work absence reasons like anxiety and family emergencies are okay. But using them too much can lead to losing your job13. Employers are more okay with leaving early if you’re good at your job and listen to feedback13.

Menstrual cramps are a legitimate reason for missing work, with a 50% chance of being accepted5. Kind and understanding managers are more likely to let you off work when you need it.

“Employers may be more understanding of early departures if employees have a history of meeting deadlines, being receptive to feedback, and delivering strong performance.”

Daycare Issues

Unexpected daycare problems can be a good reason to miss work. Most managers get that. Things like a child being sent home early or a nanny not showing up can be valid excuses for missing work4.

But, it’s key to make sure these issues don’t happen often. Managers might worry about your reliability and commitment if they happen too much. Having proof like a doctor’s note or a message from daycare can help prove your excuse and ease any doubts14.

Child Sent Home Early

If a child gets sick or hurts themselves at daycare, they might be sent home. This is a good reason to miss work. The parent or guardian needs to take care of the child4.

Nanny Called Out

Not having your usual nanny or childcare provider show up can also be a valid reason to miss work. If they’re not there, you might need to stay home to look after your child4.

When this happens, talk to your employer right away. Give them a clear idea of when you’ll be back and offer to work with your team to make sure things keep running smoothly14.

Handling daycare issues well can help you keep a good relationship with your employer. It shows you’re serious about your job and also care about your family’s needs4.

Death in the Family

Losing someone close is a huge blow that can affect work life. A death in the family is a top reason to miss work. It’s a credible reason for missing office1.

It takes time to grieve, plan funerals, and support others. Companies often offer bereavement benefits for this reason. These benefits let employees take paid time off when they need it151.

Not all deaths can be planned for, so missing work might be sudden. Employers usually get that and are understanding. They know the justifications for missing work are strong1.

“Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences a person can face. Employers who recognize the importance of providing compassionate leave during these times foster a culture of understanding and support.”

A death in the family is a valid work absence reason. Employers should be understanding and give employees the time to mourn. This shows they care about their workers’ well-being. It helps build a stronger, more caring team15161.

Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies, like a broken tooth or a lost crown, mean you might need to take time off for a dentist visit. Managers usually get that these issues need quick action. They can hurt a lot and mess up your daily life17.

Broken Tooth

A broken tooth can happen suddenly, often from biting hard on something, an accident, or just wearing down over time. You’ll need to see a dentist fast to stop more damage, ease the pain, and get your tooth working right again18.

Lost Crown

Missing a dental crown is another good reason to miss work and get help. Crowns fit just right over your tooth to protect it. Without one, you might feel pain, be more sensitive, and face more dental problems. Getting a new crown is key to keeping your mouth healthy and looking good18.

Employers usually get that these dental emergencies need quick action. They can really affect how well you do your job. By telling your boss about the problem and when you’ll be back, you can usually get permission to take time off17.

In summary, dental emergencies like a broken tooth or a lost crown are good reasons to take time off for a dentist. Employers usually see the need to fix these issues fast. This helps ease pain, stop more problems, and keep your mouth healthy17.

Family Emergency

When a family emergency happens, you might need to take time off work. Helping an elderly parent or caring for an injured family member are good reasons to miss work that most bosses will understand19. In fact, 25% of the top excuses for missing work are family-related, showing how important work-life balance is19.

Helping an Elderly Parent

Assisting an aging parent with medical visits, daily chores, or sudden health problems can be urgent. Employers usually get that you need to care for elderly family members who need more help20. By talking about the situation clearly and keeping your boss updated, you can ease any worries they might have about your absence.

Caring for an Injured Family Member

If a family member gets hurt in an accident or has a sudden health crisis, you might need to be there for them21. Accidents, whether they happen to you or someone you depend on, are good reasons to take leave quickly because they can be unexpected21. Telling your boss about the situation and when you plan to come back can make things easier for everyone.

Remember, family emergencies are often unexpected and understandable. By talking openly with your employer and providing the right documents, you can handle these tough times while keeping a good work relationship19.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a common reason for missing work that people often find believable. It’s marked by vomiting and diarrhea, making it a good excuse to stay home and rest22.

Recent surveys show that personal illness, like having a fever or not being able to keep food down, are top reasons for missing work22. Employers usually don’t doubt food poisoning claims because they’re hard to prove and don’t need a doctor’s note23.

Some employees have gotten creative with their excuses, like blaming a headache on too many garage sales or a bad casserole at a potluck23. But, the classic food poisoning excuse is still a go-to for those needing a believable reason to skip work22.

Food poisoning is a valid reason for missing work, accepted by many employers22. It can be a real issue that makes it hard for someone to do their job well22.

In conclusion, food poisoning is a strong excuse for missing work, accepted by employers easily22. But, it’s wise to use it sparingly to avoid raising suspicions of exaggeration22.

Home Emergency

Home emergencies, like a flooded basement or a roof leak, are good reasons to take time off24. These problems need quick action, and most bosses will get that you have to deal with them right away24.

Flooded Basement

A flooded basement is stressful and needs quick action25. It could be from a burst pipe, too much rain, or a sump pump failure25. A flooded basement can cause water damage, mold, and other dangers25. Taking time off to check the damage, call emergency plumbers, and start cleaning is a good reason.

Roof Leak

A roof leak is another good reason to miss work25. If ignored, it can cause more damage, like water getting in, harming ceilings and walls, and even the structure25. Fixing a roof leak quickly, whether with a temporary fix or by calling a contractor, is a valid excuse for missing work.

Both flooded basements and roof leaks are emergencies at home that need quick action24. Bosses usually get that these issues are serious and need fixing to keep the employee and their family safe24.

Common Home EmergenciesLegitimate Reasons to Miss Work
Flooded BasementImmediate attention required to assess damage and begin cleanup
Roof LeakPrompt repair needed to prevent further damage to the home
Gas LeakPotentially dangerous situation requiring immediate action
Power OutageLoss of ability to work, especially for remote employees
FloodingUrgent need to address the situation and potential evacuation

In conclusion, emergencies at home like flooded basements and roof leaks are good reasons to miss work24. Bosses usually understand these situations because they know fixing them is important for everyone’s safety and well-being24. By talking well with their boss and maybe showing proof, workers can explain their absence and make going back to work easier26.

Illness or Fever

Illness or fever is a top reason to miss work1. Managers know that coming to work sick can lower productivity and spread illness1. With telehealth, getting a doctor’s note is easy from home27. Being sick with a fever and flu-like symptoms is often why people stay home27.

Mental health days are now more accepted, showing a shift towards valuing mental health at work27. Employers are learning the link between employee well-being and productivity27.

Unexpected events often happen, making it necessary to take time off127. Reasons include personal commitments, family events, and medical emergencies27.

It’s key to stay professional when asking for time off, like planning ahead and using digital tools to stay in touch27. Spotting patterns of absence can help find solutions, and employers should understand why people need to miss work27.

“Illness or fever is one of the most common and accepted valid reasons to miss work.”

Doctor’s AppointmentHigh
Dentist AppointmentHigh
DMV AppointmentModerate
Bad Weather ConditionsHigh
Car AccidentHigh
Car TroubleModerate
Covid or Flu SymptomsHigh
Daycare IssuesHigh
Death in the FamilyHigh
Dental EmergencyHigh
Family EmergencyHigh
Food PoisoningHigh
Home EmergencyHigh
Illness or FeverHigh

The table shows some top valid reasons to miss work and how credible they are1. Appointments, weather issues, and personal or family emergencies are seen as very credible1.

In conclusion, being sick or having a fever is a valid reason to miss work1. Employers get that health and well-being come first1. By valuing mental health and being professional when asking for time off, employees can balance work and life well271.

Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work

Dealing with work can be tough, and sometimes, you need a good excuse for a day off. Luckily, there are solid excuses like appointments, bad weather, car issues, and family crises28. These excuses are often seen as valid and hard to question, making them a smart choice for getting time off28.

It’s key to use these excuses wisely and not make a habit of them28. Keep your excuses simple, let your boss know early, and share enough details to sound believable but not too much28. Also, having a plan B ready can help if your excuse is doubted28.

Some top excuses include being sick, family crises, car problems, home emergencies, and bad weather29. These excuses usually get a lot of understanding from bosses since they’re often beyond your control29.

IllnessSore throat, cough, stomach bug, migraine headache, food poisoning30
Family EmergencyTaking a relative to the hospital, death of a loved one30
Car TroubleWon’t start, flat tire, cracked windshield30
Home EmergencyPower outage, burst pipes, flooding30
Bad WeatherSevere storms, heavy snow, ice, or flooding29

Other good excuses might be personal appointments, travel issues, or mental health days30. Just be careful not to overdo it with these excuses, as it could make your boss suspicious28. Remember, we all need a break now and then, and with the right approach, these excuses can help you get the time you need28.


Sometimes, work demands more from us than we can handle. Having bulletproof excuses to get out of work can be really helpful. Whether it’s a doctor’s appointment, a family crisis, or being sick, it’s important to use these excuses for calling out wisely. Talk to your boss as soon as you can.

Creating convincing work excuses that are real, clear, and timely helps you when you need to miss work. It keeps your job safe and your boss happy. Whether it’s a legitimate excuse for not going to work or a strong reason to stay home, planning ahead helps a lot.

The main aim is to balance work and personal life. By using credible reasons for missing office wisely, you can handle tough times without hurting your job or health.


What are some bulletproof excuses to get out of work?

Good excuses for missing work are usually things you can’t control. Think about appointments, bad weather, car accidents, and family emergencies. These excuses are often sudden and no one will question them.

Can I use the same excuse multiple times?

It’s best not to use the same excuse too often. Managers might think you’re not reliable. Try to make each excuse unique and show your boss you understand their concerns.

How should I communicate with my boss when using an excuse?

Always try to talk or text your boss directly about the issue. This shows you’re honest and can give more details. If calling isn’t possible, send a detailed text instead.

What are some valid reasons to miss work due to appointments?

Missing work for doctor’s appointments, dentist visits, or DMV visits is okay. These services are usually only open during the day.

Can bad weather be a legitimate excuse for missing work?

Yes, bad weather that makes flying or driving unsafe is a good reason to stay home. Most managers will understand this. Just let them know the situation.

What if I’m involved in a car accident?

Car accidents are often beyond your control. Managers usually support this excuse. It also covers accidents involving your family, like your partner or child.

Can car trouble be a valid excuse?

Car issues like a flat tire or a car not starting are okay for being late. But don’t use them too much. It might seem like you’re always having car problems.

Can COVID or flu symptoms be a reason to miss work?

Even if you haven’t gotten your test results, COVID or flu symptoms are a good reason to stay home. Managers don’t want a virus spreading at work.

Can menstrual cramps be an excuse for missing work?

Yes, menstrual cramps are a valid excuse. Most managers won’t question it.

What if I have daycare issues?

Daycare problems like a child being sent home early or a nanny calling out are okay excuses. Managers often understand, especially if they have kids too.

Can a death in the family be a reason to miss work?

No one doubts the need to take time off for a death in the family. Many companies offer paid leave for bereavement.

Can a dental emergency be an excuse?

Dental emergencies like a broken tooth or a lost crown are good reasons to miss work. Managers usually get that you need to take care of these quickly.

What if I have a family emergency?

Family emergencies, like helping an elderly parent or taking care of an injured family member, are okay excuses. But be ready to give more details if things change.

Can food poisoning be a valid excuse?

Yes, food poisoning is a common excuse that managers won’t question. You don’t need a doctor’s note for it.

What if I have a home emergency?

Home emergencies, like a flooded basement or a roof leak, are good reasons to miss work. These problems need quick attention, and managers will understand.

Can illness or fever be an excuse for missing work?

Being sick or having a fever is a common excuse for missing work. Managers know it can make you less productive and spread illness.

Source Links

  1. 32 Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work [And Exactly What to Say to Your Boss] — Optim Careers
  2. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  3. How to Get Out of Work? 31 Good Excuses That Work in 2022
  4. 14 Acceptable Excuses to Miss Work (Even Last Minute or With Short Notice!)
  5. 23 Bulletproof Excuses To Get Out Of Work
  6. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  7. Car Accident with an Out-of-State Driver? Here Are Your Options
  8. Mableton Car Accident Lawyer | $0 Out Of Pocket
  9. 8 Valid Excuses To Text For Last-Minute Work Absence
  10. 30 bulletproof excuses to get out of work on a short notice
  11. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  12. Protect Yourself with Respiratory Illnesses on the Rise
  13. Top 13 Good Excuses to Get Out Of Work Without Consequences
  14. 12 Best Excuses to Miss Work (Last Minute/Short Notice)
  15. Best and Worst Excuses to Get Out of Work
  16. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  17. Top 10 call off work excuses ideas and inspiration
  18. 31 Good Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice (EXAMPLES)
  19. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  20. 51 Best Excuses To Get Out Of Work [Explained]
  21. Top 25+ Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work in 2024 & Best Online Excuse Generators – Timely Byte
  22. 19 of the Best Excuses to Miss Work | InHerSight
  23. 60 Most Ridiculous Excuses People Actually Used to Get out of Work
  24. Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work: Crafting Convincing Narratives
  25. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  26. 15 Best Excuses to Work From Home Your Boss Will Believe
  27. Best Excuses To Get Out of Work | Oyster Link
  28. 31 Bulletproof Excuses to Get out of Work (With Scripts)
  29. 20 Acceptable Reasons to Get out of Work
  30. 20 Good Excuses to Get Out of Work [Non-Remote Workers]

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