INP Takes Over: Google's Core Web Vitals Update

Google Core Web Vitals Update – INP officially replaces FID

On March 12, 2024, a significant update rocked the realm of web performance metrics: INP (Interaction to Next Paint) officially replaced FID (First Input Delay) as the third Core Web Vitals metric, joining the ranks of LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) and CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift).

What exactly is INP, and what does it mean for website owners and developers? Let’s delve into the details.

INP, in essence, measures the responsiveness of a webpage by evaluating the latency of all user interactions leading up to the next paint event. This metric provides valuable insights into how quickly a webpage responds to user input, ensuring a smooth and seamless browsing experience.

Unlike FID, which focused solely on the delay between a user’s first interaction and the browser’s response, INP takes into account all interactions on the page, offering a more comprehensive assessment of responsiveness.

The significance of INP lies in its ability to capture the overall user experience by considering all interactions and providing a single value indicative of the responsiveness of the webpage. Websites with low INP scores are deemed more responsive and user-friendly, while high INP scores may indicate sluggishness and potential usability issues.

So, what does this mean for website owners and developers?

For starters, prioritizing INP optimization is now more important than ever. By focusing on reducing latency and improving responsiveness across all user interactions, website owners can enhance the overall user experience and boost engagement.

Here are a few tips to optimize INP:

  1. Streamline JavaScript Execution: Minimize the impact of JavaScript on page responsiveness by optimizing code, deferring non-essential scripts, and utilizing browser caching techniques.
  2. Optimize Critical Rendering Path: Ensure swift rendering of essential page elements to minimize the delay between user interactions and visual feedback.
  3. Prioritize User Input Handling: Optimize event handlers and ensure efficient processing of user interactions to minimize latency and improve responsiveness.
  4. Leverage Browser Preloading: Preload critical resources and assets to expedite page loading and enhance overall responsiveness.

By prioritizing INP optimization alongside existing Core Web Vitals metrics such as LCP and CLS, website owners can create faster, more responsive, and user-centric web experiences.

In conclusion, the adoption of INP as an official Core Web Vitals metric marks a significant milestone in the quest for optimal web performance and user experience. Embrace INP optimization to ensure your website delivers seamless interactions and delights users across the digital landscape.


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